Bright colours, frozen moments in time and spaces that seem timeless or out of place
This gallery is dedicated to the liminal spaces of the world; bridges, underpasses, subways, empty playgrounds at 3AM, abandoned buildings, and any space that seems to stand still, any light and smell that transports you back to a different time.
Let me paint you a picture of the feeling that inspires this art; You’re 10 years old and you’re going home, alone, through the quiet neighbourhood streets, after saying goodbye to your friends. You’ve spent a day in the summer sun, eating ice cream, biking around. The light is suddenly dim, and it’s just a little bit too chilly for just your T-shirt. It’s a calm feeling of being satisfied with a good day, an inner warmth, familiarity, and a hint of something ominous. It’s a dream feeling, like you’re not entirely in this world, you’re existing a little in between somehow… The feeling of warm asphalt, the sound of a boombox in the distance, mixed with muffled traffic sounds. The look of a chalk hopscotch in the cool evening light, hues of purple and pink. Skinned knees, with Spider-Man bandaids that are mostly there as emotional support. It smells like dust and flowers and hints of a bbq that ended some hours ago. Your hand is possibly a little bit sticky from the ice cream you had, or maybe from the snails you picked up to look at.